Single Tooth Implant in Vadodara

At Dr. Anuj Barolia's Dental Studio, we offer single tooth implant services to restore the aesthetics and functionality of your smile after tooth loss. A dental implant provides a permanent solution for a missing tooth, mimicking its natural appearance and feel.

Importance of Single Tooth Implants

A single tooth implant not only restores a missing tooth but also preserves dental health. Unlike bridges, implants do not require altering adjacent teeth, thus maintaining the integrity of your natural teeth. Implants also prevent bone loss that typically occurs after tooth extraction, supporting facial structure.

Dr. Anuj Barolia's Opinion on Single Tooth Implants

Dr. Anuj Barolia highly values the functionality and aesthetic benefits of single tooth implants. As a prosthodontist, he considers dental implants the best solution for replacing missing teeth, as they offer durability, strength, and a natural look. He is committed to utilizing his expertise to provide patients with the most advanced and effective implant treatments available.

Steps in Single Tooth Implant Treatment

  1. Consultation and Planning: During your initial visit, Dr. Barolia will assess your oral health and discuss the implant procedure, ensuring you are a suitable candidate.
  2. Implant Placement: A titanium post, the actual implant, is surgically inserted into the jawbone where the tooth is missing.
  3. Healing Process: You undergo a healing period known as osseointegration, where the implant integrates with the bone, which may take several months.
  4. Abutment and Crown Placement: Once healing is complete, an abutment is attached to the implant, and then a custom-made crown is placed over it, matching the color and shape of your natural teeth.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expertise of Dr. Anuj Barolia: As a skilled prosthodontist, Dr. Barolia specializes in implantology, offering high precision and care.
  • Advanced Technology: We utilize the latest dental technology for precise implant placement and optimal results.
  • Tailored Treatments: Each implant procedure is customized to match the individual's dental needs and aesthetic goals.
  • Comprehensive Care: We manage the entire implant process from initial consultation to final placement and follow-up.


Our treatment results in a seamless and natural appearance. We provide before and after photos to showcase the transformative and realistic outcomes of our implants.


The cost of a single tooth implant varies depending on the specifics of the case. We provide detailed consultations to discuss all costs transparently and offer various payment options to accommodate different budgets.

Frequently Asked Questions: Bad Breath Control

For more information or to book a consultation for a single tooth implant in Vadodara, please contact Dr. Anuj Barolia's Dental Studio. Let us help you regain your smile and confidence with a solution designed to last a lifetime.

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