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Root Canal Treatment in Vadodara

Conventional RCT

Every tooth looks quite hard from outside. However they have a soft core that includes nerves and blood vessels known as pulp. A fractured or broken tooth gets infected when its decay reaches this soft core. The infection then gets into the jaw bones which in turn spread in the blood stream. Many a times this infection can be life threatening too. Here in this case, the infected pulp is taken out and the cavity is sterilized in order to make it free from bacteria that caused the infection. After that the cavity is filled so that there is no chance of any further infection. This whole process requires expert specialists as it is quite a technical treatment.

Root Canal Treatment

CROWN - This is the part of a tooth that can be seen above the gumline.

ROOT - Just below the gumline sits this part of a tooth on the bone. The root of a tooth is generally two times longer than the crown which can be seen above the gumline.

Why is root canal treatment required?

The pulp is a living tissue inside the tooth that has nerves and supply of blood in it. When the tooth decay infects the pulp it starts causing pain. The basic target of a root canal treatment is to get rid of the infected pulp. The treatment is done using files inside the chamber of the pulp and bringing out the infected pulp. Afterwards the root canals are cleaned thoroughly and then sealed using filling substances.

The saga of root canal treatment

Every tooth consists of soft tissue or the pulp that helps in nourishing the tooth. This pulp gets infected or damaged because sometimes the tooth gets affected by decay, gum diseases or wounds. If a similar situation happens in any other parts of the body, the body normally discard the diseased tissue and grow new ones. But in case of a tooth this does not happen. Since the infected pulp remains enclosed inside the hard covering of the tooth it becomes impossible for the tooth to discard it on its own. Only a dentist can remove the infected pulp in the root canal, cleanse the place and then fill it with an orthodontic material so that it does not get infected again by the bacteria. After the endodontic treatment get over the tooth is alive once more and not “dead”. The tooth also receives enough support from the adjacent tissues and is normally expected to last as long as any other natural tooth.

Frequently Asked Questions: Crowns and Bridges

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